Thursday, October 15, 2009


Just a quick note to say that you know you are fatigued when.....

When you are having a dream that you are being chase and your body is actually too tired to run away. Therefore I woke in a panic still thinking I was being chased. This happen to me last night.

I'm sure Jeremy is loving being married to me at this point.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Training THRILLING!!!!!!!!!!

Well since the MS 150 working out has been to say the least minimal. I haven't been to the YMCA for exercise since. I took my kids to Open Bounce to jump in bounce houses for an hour and an half and at the end of that I was exhausted. So I guess that is basically that is it.... I haven't been able to stay as active as before due to major FATIGUE. One of the horrable yet very common problems that a lot of people with MS struggle. So as a start and something fun to do I signed up for a dance class at the Brentwood YMCA that at the end of the class will thrill the nation. Check out the website.... Don't let it fool you that it is just learning the steps. After 1 hour of dancing I'm beat, but hopefully soon I'll be able to do more than the one 1hour class and run after my kids somewhat every other day of the week. On top of attempting to be more active, I get to spend time with 5 other friends, laughing and goofing off.

Hopefully by the end of the month there will be pics of us THRILLING the NATION.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Look what I found!!!!

Look what I found while browsing photos of the MS 150 that were posted on the Gateway Chapter for MS Site.
I couldn't even tell who it was at first, but I think it is pretty cool. It is just proof positive that I was there and I did finish.

The hyperlink isn't working so you will have to copy and paste into your web browser.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bike MS 150 - Columbia, MO

My MS 150 2009 goal was to finish the entire 150 miles on a bike on my own. I'm proud to say that after having a major relapse in May, barely able to walk and having to get IV steroids, I was able to finish all on my own strength. At times I was a bit discouraged because I wasn't' going as fast as I would have hoped or expected. By the end I was glad that I finished and can't wait to do it again next year. When I did get discouraged Jeremy promptly reminided me that aside from the relapse in May, I was sick for a week and a half the 2 weeks prior to the ride. This made me unable to train the last 3 weeks before the event.

This is the start line but it it only show a small portion of the people that rode in the event. It is a great sight to see all the riders there for such a good cause.

Jeremy and I are at the starting line waiting to get going. It is about the only time we were together out on the road besides rest stops and lunch. Maybe he was mad at me for accidently putting a hole in is camelback bladder and he had gatorade running all down the back of him. Jeremy rode a single speed for the first day and got many looks from those that love cycling and understood how hard that is. He could muscle up hills, which blew a lot of us away. He would cycle back to see if I was still trucking along, I was but not like him. He is a crazy strong cyclist.

This is Leah, my sister and her friend Justin. They rode our tandem together. I don't think Justin knew what he was getting himself into at this point. By the end of the weekend I think he got the cycling bug and might be coming back next year. I think he is talking of bringing friends with him.

Jeremy got hold of the camera and since he was always ahead of me he was able to get an action shot. I can't quite remember what mile this was but I was still smiling.

Overall, this was a great weekend. It is nice to be around people that are going through the same thing I am, living with this disease. Although MS shows itself different in everybody, it is just as unpredictable for all of us and that is a shared struggle in itself. We all have different levels of abilities and different levels of disability.

In the two day event, I rode 150 miles for an accumulation of over 10 hours, burned almost 10,000 calories, eating so many bananas (I can't even count), talked with so many friends just like me. I can't wait to do it all again next year. Thanks to everyone's sponsorship, support and encouraging words. Lord willing, a wild thought came in my head to attempt 100 miles (century) on day 1 next year and still do 75 miles the second day. I'm $100 away from reaching my financial contribution goal of $2500. I'm already thinking of more funraising events to help contribute next year. It is a great time, and a great organization that helps so many people. If you want to join in the fun and ride with us next year we would love to spend the weekend with you.

Next years ride is planned for Sept. 11 and 12

If you still want to donate, funds are collected till October 15th, follow the link below for my personal page.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tour of Missouri - Stage 1 Day

Not much commentary of the Tour of Missouri just because of being tired this week, but here are some pic of the day. Mark Cavendish won the first 2 stages and Thur Hushov won the third. The winner of last year had to pull out on the second day because he fell the first day. It ended up the at he had a bone break in his hand. Tried to ride the follow day, but pulled out after the cerimonial lap around the city. Now Mark Cavendish pulled out of the race due to an infection in his lung. We are going to the Time Trial in Sedalia today before we stop in Columbia to get ready for the MS 150 which starts early in the am on Saturday. I'm a bit nervouse about the MS 150 because I've been sick and really haven't riden in 3 weeks. That takes a lot of training away from me when you consider that Mother's Day I could barely walk due to a relapse from the disease that everyone is riding for. I'm just goin got have to pace and be determined, but for now it is off to Sedalia.
The peloton taking the turn in Stage 1 race
Family photo with St. Louis pride in the background
(baby girl with Grandma, hopefully next year she will be with us)
Hanging at the MS ten and getting to watch the riders out on the course on the big screen.
Big George interview
Missour slogan: Close to home, far from ordinary

This is the family hanging in the VIP area that we got bracelets by happenstance. It was close the the sign in stage, tents, TVs and food and drinks

This is just a glimpse of the spread that we got to take advantage of by getting VIP bracelets. That kind of thing never happens to us. Although it would have been a great day no matter what, it made it just all the more better.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick - No training this weekend

Saturday I started feeling not so hot. The problem with dealing with mulitple sclerosis is that sometimes you can't tell if you are having an exacerbation or if you are truly getting sick. I was dizzy and had ringing in my ears and my left hand hurt really bad. My hand had been hurting for over a weeks so I just thought it was par for the course. As things developed and I push forward with my day, going to Faust Park with the family, I woke from my nap and knew.... I was sick and it wasn't an exacerbation. This caused me to not do the ride planned on Sunday night. I've been living on menthol drops, airborne and ibuprophen since then. I'm trying to get myself well enough to go to get to a benifit for the MS150 that my friend put together at the Scottish Arms. I don't know if I'm that organized to do something like that but I'm excited about going to see how it all turn out.

The MS 150 Benefit is at the Scottish Arms
#8 South Sarah St.
St. Louis, MO 63108
Sept 1st, Tuesday at 8pm
There will be raffle, auction and trivia and music
They will have G.C. to the Scottish Arms and other local places, massage certificate, staff auctions and a chef auction to cook a private dinner for you up for grabs.
It will go from 8pm-12am

We would welcome anyone to come check it out.

Since there are no pics from a ride this weekend I thought I'd post this one from last weekend. I thought it was funny because one of his lens on his glasses is darker than the other. These lens self adjust and I thought that the one failed to darken, but Jeremy assures me it was just a shadow. Still make for an odd looking picture.

Then this is a picture of what we got to do this weekend before I got so ill. We went to Faust park and Big Sis is learning to slide down a pole with Jeremy. Baby Girl is watching her wondering when will she get big enough to do that.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"I Ride With MS" Jersey

This is a pic of the design of the jersey that I've been asked to wear one day of the ride this year. In celebration of their 25 year anniversary, the MS Society had made these jerseys for those that were riding in the event and have the disease. These are being provided for us for free. The MS Society wants everyone to remember the reason behind each mile, the real motivation around each turn.