Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bike MS 150 - Columbia, MO

My MS 150 2009 goal was to finish the entire 150 miles on a bike on my own. I'm proud to say that after having a major relapse in May, barely able to walk and having to get IV steroids, I was able to finish all on my own strength. At times I was a bit discouraged because I wasn't' going as fast as I would have hoped or expected. By the end I was glad that I finished and can't wait to do it again next year. When I did get discouraged Jeremy promptly reminided me that aside from the relapse in May, I was sick for a week and a half the 2 weeks prior to the ride. This made me unable to train the last 3 weeks before the event.

This is the start line but it it only show a small portion of the people that rode in the event. It is a great sight to see all the riders there for such a good cause.

Jeremy and I are at the starting line waiting to get going. It is about the only time we were together out on the road besides rest stops and lunch. Maybe he was mad at me for accidently putting a hole in is camelback bladder and he had gatorade running all down the back of him. Jeremy rode a single speed for the first day and got many looks from those that love cycling and understood how hard that is. He could muscle up hills, which blew a lot of us away. He would cycle back to see if I was still trucking along, I was but not like him. He is a crazy strong cyclist.

This is Leah, my sister and her friend Justin. They rode our tandem together. I don't think Justin knew what he was getting himself into at this point. By the end of the weekend I think he got the cycling bug and might be coming back next year. I think he is talking of bringing friends with him.

Jeremy got hold of the camera and since he was always ahead of me he was able to get an action shot. I can't quite remember what mile this was but I was still smiling.

Overall, this was a great weekend. It is nice to be around people that are going through the same thing I am, living with this disease. Although MS shows itself different in everybody, it is just as unpredictable for all of us and that is a shared struggle in itself. We all have different levels of abilities and different levels of disability.

In the two day event, I rode 150 miles for an accumulation of over 10 hours, burned almost 10,000 calories, eating so many bananas (I can't even count), talked with so many friends just like me. I can't wait to do it all again next year. Thanks to everyone's sponsorship, support and encouraging words. Lord willing, a wild thought came in my head to attempt 100 miles (century) on day 1 next year and still do 75 miles the second day. I'm $100 away from reaching my financial contribution goal of $2500. I'm already thinking of more funraising events to help contribute next year. It is a great time, and a great organization that helps so many people. If you want to join in the fun and ride with us next year we would love to spend the weekend with you.

Next years ride is planned for Sept. 11 and 12

If you still want to donate, funds are collected till October 15th, follow the link below for my personal page.


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