Thursday, October 15, 2009


Just a quick note to say that you know you are fatigued when.....

When you are having a dream that you are being chase and your body is actually too tired to run away. Therefore I woke in a panic still thinking I was being chased. This happen to me last night.

I'm sure Jeremy is loving being married to me at this point.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Training THRILLING!!!!!!!!!!

Well since the MS 150 working out has been to say the least minimal. I haven't been to the YMCA for exercise since. I took my kids to Open Bounce to jump in bounce houses for an hour and an half and at the end of that I was exhausted. So I guess that is basically that is it.... I haven't been able to stay as active as before due to major FATIGUE. One of the horrable yet very common problems that a lot of people with MS struggle. So as a start and something fun to do I signed up for a dance class at the Brentwood YMCA that at the end of the class will thrill the nation. Check out the website.... Don't let it fool you that it is just learning the steps. After 1 hour of dancing I'm beat, but hopefully soon I'll be able to do more than the one 1hour class and run after my kids somewhat every other day of the week. On top of attempting to be more active, I get to spend time with 5 other friends, laughing and goofing off.

Hopefully by the end of the month there will be pics of us THRILLING the NATION.